Articles by Andy Jowett

New Game Round-up

Whiling away time has never been more fun, thanks to the endless stream of new games coming out. Check out ten of the latest and best.

NASA's Swift space observatory has just picked up the cataclysmic explosion of star that occurred so deep in space that it took a mind-blasting 13.14 billion years for the light to be detected from Earth. 13.14 billion years. How would you while that away?

Hmm... online games? Why not? You'll need some recommendations though. Oh look! Here's a cracking collection of ten new games to keep you going in the cold, uncaring universe! Nice one.

Published by Andy Jowett on 5th June 2011
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Bela Kovacs and the Trail of Blood

Fans of noir adventures are in for a treat with this beautifully-realised point and click detective story by Extropia Games.

"You people know them well. The eyes gazing from the shadows. The claws scratching in the attic. The freaks under your bed, the spooks in your closet. Let me tell you a secret. They're all real."

With this darkly intriguing intro, plus music that sounds like Twin Peaks composer Angelo Badalamenti in an especially sinister mood, we are thrust into the world (the Old World) of Bela Kovacs. Kovacs is a sunglasses-wearing, beard-sporting, motorcycle-riding former detective from the mean streets of Budapest. He's carrying a head full of bad memories and trouble knows where to find him.

Published by Andy Jowett on 29th April 2011
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Ten more games that will make you think about life

Continuing our tradition of bringing you thought-provoking games, we present yet more games that will have you pondering on the meaning of it all.

Life, eh? It's all a bit mad really, isn't it? Here we are, the products of millions of years of chance chemical and biological reactions, wandering around on a dying rock as it spins through the vast, indifferent universe with nought but the knowledge of our own inevitable oblivion for company.

A sobering thought. And sobering thoughts will sure as sugar turn you to drink. But you don't want to do that - apparently it can be quite good for you. So spare your liver and sacrifice your eyesight and wrist tendons instead by digging in to our latest top ten games that make you think about life.

Published by Andy Jowett on 17th April 2011
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New games round-up

Worried that you are running out of casual games to play? Don't fret, for we have just found another ten great new games to keep your gaming withdrawal symptoms at bay.

We're back once again with the best new games on the web that are free, free, FREE!!! So what have we got this week? Well, the question should really be what don't we have. And the answer would be nothing.

There's gems and bulls and bears and flappers and hamsters and robots and zombies and more robots and sushi. Lots of sushi. Oh and The Great Gatsby. That really is everything isn't it?

Published by Andy Jowett on 22nd March 2011
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Steambirds: Survival

The sequel to one of 2010's best strategy games is chock-a-block with dazzling new features and exciting new aerial combat missions.

Biggles. Maverick and Goose. Dastardly and Muttley. Erm, Icarus. How we love those magnificent men (and dogs) in their flying machines. And, from supercharged arcade stormers like Afterburner to the lost Amiga classic Wings and PC hits like Crimson Skies, it seems we also can't get enough of being just like them (without the hours of training, moustache wax and risk of death, obviously) by going up-diddly-up-up to blast the bejesus out of the bad guys.

Thankfully, Steambirds: Survival from Radial Games and Spry Fox gives us all another chance to dish out some damn good thrashings among the clouds. I say, top hole! It's the follow-up to - surprise, surprise - the 2010 Flash hit Steambirds, which picked up a gaggle of well-deserved awards for its interesting twist on aerial combat.

Published by Andy Jowett on 18th February 2011
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Top 10 Reaction Games

If 'lightning fast' is an accurate description of your reactions, you may have a chance with these games. Slow coaches might want to check out our top 10 relaxing games instead.

Are you as quick as a cat, sharp as a tack, loose as a goose? Not really sure what that last one means, actually. Let's start again. Do your lightning-fast, nimble hands make a ninja look like a nincompoop? Is you mind faster than a speeding bullet, yet supple like a...suppley...thing? Well then step right up, because Casual Girl Gamer has brought together a collection of games that require reactions so fast, the movement of your mouse may trigger a sonic boom.

So forget trying to catch a ruler betwixt your thumb and forefinger, or clicking a red box when it goes green. You don't want to do that! Curl yourself up with a large mug of something hot and give your reactions a workout instead with our top ten!

Published by Andy Jowett on 29th December 2010
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New Games Round-up

They just don't stop coming. Yet more brand spanking new games to tickle your fancy.

Hooray! Another freshly-baked batch of wonderful casual games for your delectation has arrived! This week, we take in the avenues and jazz clubs of gay Paree, post-invasion Earth, the ruins of empires, decidedly unnerving country houses and, er, some water. We spoil you, we really do. But it's okay, because you're nice.

Anyway, let us dust down the mouse mat, polish up the arrow keys and get ready for some serious, er, causal gaming.

Published by Andy Jowett on 8th December 2010
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Corporation Inc

Armor Games head of development John Cooney has created yet another hit game with Corporation Inc, a business-cum-tower-building sim that proves that work really can be fun... when you're the boss.

If you've always fancied yourself as a bit of a captain of industry type but could never persuade those pesky venture capitalists to part with their wodges of cash to get you going on that million dollar idea, then you are in luck. Equally, if you're yearning to unleash you inner megalomaniacal empire builder, have we got a treat for you!

Armor Games's head of development John Cooney (or jmtb02, as he better known) has come up with the perfect game for you. Corporation Inc lets you indulge both your entrepreneurial go-getter side and your ruthless, slave-driving god of capitalism side.

Published by Andy Jowett on 1st December 2010
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Top 10 underwater games

Dust off your flippers, dig out your wet suit and wipe down your goggles, for we are going to be doing some deep sea diving in this issue's list of games.

Ahoy there, casual gamers. This week, we are heading to the briny deep, the big swell, old Davey Jones's locker, that big, wet thing - the sea.

To be precise, readers, we are taking a big gulp of air, pinching our noses and taking a plunge beneath the waves to a world we know less about than the surface of the moon - and just think, that means there's a chance some of the things we'll see here - drilling, tentacled creatures, psychotic sharks and Olympian dolphins - could all be true and happening under the waves right now.

Published by Andy Jowett on 28th November 2010
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One eye, one button, one to try. Don't miss probably the best one-button dungeon crawler ever made.

As the lucky readers of this esteemed blog will know by thanks to Tasha's splendid top ten, there's plenty of good gaming fun to be had with just one button. Indeed, as One Button Bob and the baffling yet addictive Poto and Cabenga have demonstrated, there is a mind-boggling array of things you can do with just that single control approach - jump, fly, fight, sprint, squish, climb, tap dance...well, maybe not the last one. Not yet, anyway.

The latest mono-button blockbuster is Glorg - a dungeon crawler like no other, says Swedish game studio Grapefrukt.

Published by Andy Jowett on 18th November 2010
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Game reviews

  • Lume

    State of Play's new puzzle adventure title Lume might be made out of cardboard cutouts but it is in no way a one-dimensional game.

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  • The Tiny Bang Story

    Beautiful hand-drawn graphics, nicely balanced and creative puzzles and a great sound track, The Tiny Bang Story delivers on all fronts.

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  • Castaway 2

    Robinson Crusoe had it lucky. He was only stranded on a desert island once. Things are not so easy for the hero of RPG adventure game series Castaway.

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  • ClubWorld

    If the idea of running your own nightclub gets you excited, then Tapulous's latest iOS game might have you dancing around with joy.

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  • Insectonator

    If the only good bug is a dead one, then you will be doing one helluva lot of good work in this cheery insect massacring game.

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Popular articles

  • Top 10 point and click games

    Stunning artwork, brilliant story lines and captivating characters have given the online point and click genre a new lease of life.

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  • Games of the Year 2010

    Casual Girl Gamer presents her ten favourite online casual games of 2010, and asks readers to share their own most loved games of the year.

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  • Five games that make you think about life

    Not all games involve mindless shooting the shit out of stuff. Some can even make you think a bit.

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  • New game round-up 1

    We have uncovered some casual gaming gems for you in this, our first round-up of new casual games to hit the world wide web.

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  • Amea

    A nicely illustrated dash and slash RPG with an intriguing storyline, loads of weapons and spells and great locations. What more could you want?

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Developer spotlights

  • Jake Elliott

    You won't find any resource-management or mindless slash and dash games in Jake Elliott's portfolio. What you will find are thought-provoking games that encourage you to ponder on the human experience.

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  • Con Artist Games

    Chris Condon of Con Artist Games has a reputation for developing some of the most polished games on the web. Casual Girl Gamer speaks to him about his gaming philosophy.

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  • Gregory Weir

    By combining great story-telling with imaginative game worlds, Gregory Weir has created some of the most thought-provoking games on the internet.

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  • John Cooney

    Armor Games' head of game development John Cooney - or jmtb02, as he is better known - is one of the most prolific and imaginative game developers around.

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  • Evan Miller

    In ImmorTall, indie developer Evan Miller created one of the most emotionally moving games to grace the internet. We speak to him about his gaming philosophy and plans for the future.

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  • Mateusz Skutnik

    Mateusz Skutnik is a rarity: a gifted artist who is also a skilled coder. He is responsible for some of the most beautiful casual games on the web.

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