A blog about casual gaming

Fat Slice

Fat Slice

Slice up shapes without letting the balls escape in this wickedly addictive puzzle game.

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Published by Tasha on 24th February 2010

The best ideas always sound so obvious when you first hear of them. Suitcases with wheels. Pre-sliced bread. A status updating service limited to 140 characters. Why didn't I think of any of them. They're so simple.

Today's game of the day - Fat Slice - brings out similar feelings in me. The premise of the game is ridiculously simple - you chop off bits of shapes without isolating any of the balls bouncing around inside the shapes. To progress to the next shape, you have to reduce the size of the shape by a certain percentage.

The game is initially very easy. There are only a few balls bouncing around inside the shapes, and you only have to diminish the the shapes by about half. But as you progress, the shapes are filled with ever more balls and you have to hack away ever increasing amounts. By the time you get to the later levels, you need lightning fast reactions to remove bits of the shape before the balls bounce back into that area.

In short, Fat Slice is dead easy to play but almost impossible to master, ensuring that the game has plenty of replay value. Play Fat Slice here.

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Published by lucy on 11th October 2010
Published by chuxiuxiang on 20th June 2010
This is a very fun game, iphone games also have the same, iphone game name: Fast Slice http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=377234274

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